If you don't let your kids play "Mature"-rated video games at all, why would you let them use MySpace? Social networking sites are far more dangerous to kids and teens than violent video games, in my opinion.
Do you let your kids use MySpace or other social networking sites?
Not if the kid has a "closed" site that is only available to friends.
Reply:lol my mom tried takin my computer away from me cuz i was using myspace... till i walked out one day and hopped in my friends car and didn't come home for a week... now she doesn't ask questoins
Reply:no way!! I'm an adult on myspace and I won't even put personal pics on my page!!
Reply:yes myspace is good i let my daughter use it but i check it weekly and make her set her profile to private and she cant add anyone i dont know
Reply:NO! Even with settings like private, you never really know who is on the other end of the computer when you are talking to someone ro sending messages back and forth.A determined pedophile can always find a way to contact a child this was or through any networking site. They can even steep so low as to hack into use someone elses profile to pretent they are someone they are not to contact a child. My best advise, monitor your childs internet use very closely. No snooping, but always be aware of what they are doing.
Reply:no i wouldnt because there are tons and tons of online predators online each and everyday. so if i was you i would block inappropriate websites. like block adult websites, block websites that you think could be a danger to your child. and dont let your child go into chatrooms because there are bound to be more online sex predators there.
Reply:I wouldn't let my oldest "10" have a myspace because I have one to keep in touch with highschool friends and it is private and I still get weirdos that try and contact me. As far as video games, "E" for everyone is what I look for.
Reply:I just recenlty allowed my daughter to open a myspace account. She is using it to contact relatives that live out of town and I supervise her use.
I dont know what to say about the videos, my child hasnt had an interest in them, my nephews play more violent games but seem to be well adjusted kids.
Its all about individual parenting choices and knowing what your kids are mature enough to handle.
Reply:I wouldn't, but I don't have kids. they wouldn't be playing mature games either. I'd be a strict momma
Reply:There isn't anything wrong with MySpace. There are options on everyone's account where your child can have a private profile which is only viewable to people they add.
People need to stop blaming bad things on MySpace and TOM. They need to discipline their child and teach them right from wrong. Or not even let them on the internet. At all. Period.
Myspace is just a website. You want to talk about perverts and child molesters? Welcome to the effing internet. They are EVERYWHERE.
When I was twelve and started using the internet, I had my head drilled on not to go into chat rooms. Not to give out my phone number or address.. And with that, I was trusted. I never did anything stupid like that.
So, yes. Tell your kids how to act online, so they won't be stupid and ruin everyone else's fun.
I have had a myspace for two years, and I have never been raped or murdered from it...
Reply:MySpace can be safe when monitored. And you can have your child's profile set to Private so strangers are denied access.
Reply:I'm an adult on myspace and a parent. With anything these days you have to monitor your kids, talk to them about what they get exposed to and be their guide. If my kids were old enough to use myspace I'd let them (currently 5 and 7months). They just need to learn to read.
Reply:ok listen i m 13 , nd i dont wanna be rude but here goes..
Listen some Kids are mature , nd Ya i have My space , hi5 nd other blogs , But i never give away information about my family or Location , see i m not dumb ... Nd if u r so insecure about ur child or something Just let them have A private Profile on Myspace ... so no strangers can access it except their friends ...
I was just wondering , Isnt it the same things with adult , havent u heard about adults getting Kidnaped and stuff for giving away information , listen , not everything u watch on Oprah applies 2 teens and Children
U know some Children Dont have webcams becuz of wat oprah said , and ya i have a webcam and i only use it wit my friends not for porn and stuff , U have all the right 2 keep ur kids away from this If u dont trust them
bUT IF u trust ur kids , Then u should tell them To be aware and guide them not just tell that they shouldnt , my mom told me not 2 give away information and i didnt give .. i just wrote about my fav songs , movies , hobbies .... as if someone is gonna kidnap me through this ... and She alwayz tells me not to believe everything they put on The media or movies
Its not nice 2 Be ignorant !
Reply:myspace is actually not dangerous if you do the right things like putting your profile on private also if you have a really irresposible kid dont let them use myspace because they might give out personal information. Most teens and preteens have learned the consequences so i think its safe. I hate when parents get so overprotective........before telling them that they cant go on myspace i would actually check the site out itself.
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