Friday, November 13, 2009

Do you think social networking sites are a good place?

for children to meet? Or are they dangerous?

Watchdog OFCOM have finally realised that youngsters are bypassing the age restrictions to get fuller use of sites such as facebook %26amp; bebo

Do you think social networking sites are a good place?
Good morning ... I have a teenage son who uses bebo and i do restrict his Internet time .

I have also net nannied his computer but i have to admit some of the stuff he has received has been unsuitable .

Kids are very clever these days and much more technically advanced than my generation .

I always go through his history and check and pull him if there is anything unsuitable .

Social networking sites can be good but a whole different world can opened up if kids bypass the restrictions that are there to protect them .
Reply:It si up toparents to actually take notice of what thier kids are doing. Shifting responsiblity is just too easy nowadays.
Reply:I don't think they should be used by children, they have plenty of opportunities to meet other young people at school etc.
Reply:The best place for children to make friends is playing out on the streets %26amp; at school. The usual, traditional ways.

We never made friends via computers did we?

I think the Internet is good for learning and information for kids, but to "make friends".. No.
Reply:They are good with proper supervision
Reply:morning lovely bunches

i think spegali is right, although kids play out less these days so i suppose they use the internet to interact with other kids instead, my kids don't have access to the internet, in fact they would have to put a knife in my back to get access to the laptop. ITS ALL MINE, MINE YOU HEAR !!!! lol xx
Reply:I think they are all pathetic what ever the age, its a bit sad if you need to go on-line to meet so called friends. Another reason why the country is ****** people don't know how to interact, read, spell correctly and it all starts with giving children phones and letting them use Bebo etc. what are the parents doing??? Not being Parents for a start. I always love the answer well they have to have it don't they. Ever heard of the word NO. so please don't respond with that answer because mine will be "grow a pair".

Went of track there a bit but I hope you get my point.
Reply:Maybe sometimes there good and sometimes they are very bad.

Ther parent should take care, that they won´t be misused
Reply:There is no real need for kids to use these sites, but many will want to because all their friends do. I think children under a certain age - say 13 or 14 - shouldn't be allowed to use them. Those that do should be strongly monitored and their parents should make sure their profiles are completely private and any contacts are people they actually know, not strangers they have met over the internet.

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