Friday, November 13, 2009

Does there come a time when you 'out grow" social networking sites?

I am 23, about to graduate college, and in Jan. I deleted my facebook and now have no social networking site accounts and just communicate via email and snail mail, I know this makes me sound old! But I think that I just grew out of it, it is more for little kids. Also, I do not want any potential employers having the ability to look me up on FB or MS or whatever (which, they do) and possibly have a good job offer ruined.

Does there come a time when you 'out grow" social networking sites?
I never grew into them! Yes I think they are a teenage thing really. I like to be a little less 'accessible' anyway...
Reply:I think it is possible to maintain these sights without having anything embarassing or compromising on them. You can make your comments and friends private, and you shouldn't write anything possibly incriminating about yourself. Just imagine that anyone can see it. When you design it, picture your boss or your mother reading it.

I still use these social networking sites because most of my friends still do, and it is easier to stay in contact with them. My friends are more likely to send me a myspace message than to email me.

I agree that these sites can seem immature, but it is all about how you use them. It is up to you what personal information you display about yourself on the internet. You should always be mindful of what you are putting out there, even if you are young because some of it can be out there for a long time though google searches, etc.
Reply:I'm 26 and in grad school. . . and they've actually been great for keeping up with classmates from high school and my undergrad days that I'd never have a clue about otherwise. Oh, and family who I rarely get to actually see! The percentage of people is still pretty small who've ever shown up there, but it's always a pleasant surprise when new people turn up.

How not to have employers look you up and find undesirable things on your page. . . just don't put them up there or encourage other people to put them up there with your name attached. While you're at it, go ahead and turn your security settings way down so that the number of people who can even see your page is rather small and limited to those who likely can't be able to affect your job offers even if you would have something "interesting" on your page. It's as simple as that!

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