Friday, November 13, 2009

Social Networking Sites...always bad for careers?

I've read some articles on the web about how people get turned down for jobs (or lose their jobs) because of finding certain things on the myspace or other profiles of a candidate / employee. For example, finding out things that make the candidate or employee seem immature in some way. question is...

What if you have a myspace or some other social networking profile, and you keep it clean (image and text-wise)...will employers not be bothered by it? Or is it partly that having a profile on a social networking site is just generally looked down on?

Social Networking Sites...always bad for careers?
That's not necessarily true. When I got hired at my current job, I had a myspace account. In that account I included pictures of myself drinking. Of course, I am underage. This in no way affected my employment. However, this depends on the content and context of the information provided. As long as you don't provide any information on -- 1) Who you are 2) How old you are 3) And what activities you are partaking in. -- A regular background check would not pull anything up of that sort. If you keep the profile clean (no profanity, no nude pictures, that kind of thing) you should be pretty safe.
Reply:Just don't keep your full name on it, there you go!


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